I keep it real and practical, yet innovative and thought provoking. Tired of going from hustle to hustle? Can't seem to really breakthrough to that next level of business, income, wealth or success? Only make money when you have a job? Want to change all of this? I got you! But let me warn you, there is no shortcut to success. Grab one of the books below that apply to you and stay connected with the journey I will take you on through my training, events and newsletter. I love the "action-takers"! See you there....


Personal Development

  Changing Your Mind:
One Degree at a Time

This book takes you on a journey of personal discovery. It reveals the secrets Professor Devin Robinson practiced to escape the trappings of self-inflicted challenges. After reading this book, each person is armed with tools of their choice to reach destinations they desire. The mind is stimulated and values confronted, giving the reader a strong sense of introspection.


  Breaking the Cycle

Breaking The Cycle: Getting to Second Generation Prosperity is a uniquely written book, illustrating how to make changes now for the next generation. We must change our approach and how we handle situations, including our finances, in order to make this change. Devin Robinson goes into the particulars, some of which are intriguing, to understand the importance of making the right and necessary changes today for the betterment of the generations to follow.



  Rebuilding The Black American Infrastructure

This book dispels the belief that racism is running rampant in America. It expresses that America is more interested in wealth and prosperity over oppression and racism. With that being said, much of what Blacks have and currently encounter is driven by profits, which means if Blacks become a more economically competitive and self-sustaining group, other races will automatically respect and embrace the Black race.

The independent advancement of Blacks in America has been sluggish, and at some points regressive. This book focuses on Blacks becoming a competitive and self-sustaining group and how this can enhance race relations.


  Blacks: From the Plantation to the Prison

This book chronicles the journey of free Africans to imprisoned Black Americans. It closely draws comparisons of the trauma converged during the Slavery Institution to similar atrocities encountered in the U.S. Judicial System. It helps lend mind-blowing insight into those that struggle with decision-making and who often engage in criminal behaviors.



Business Development

  Power M.O.V.E.!
How to Become a Full-Time Business Owner
Get self-study system here

Many people confuse what owning a business really means. It means owning a system that provides you with profits using as little resources as possible to go from raw idea/materials to finished goods. The design of the system is what’s important. You must protect its trade secrets, have a model where its production is a smooth process, ensure the fulfillment is on-time and of quality, and more. This business can be as cyber as Facebook or as brick and mortar as General Motors. It’s all up to you. You own it! This book shows you how to go about designing your desired business where you can be the most successful entrepreneur possible.


  The Ultimate Entrepreneur’s Guide

This provocative book reveals elements, approaches and beliefs every entrepreneur must have. It is a collection of thoughts and perspectives that any entrepreneur should use to help them breakthrough from mediocre revenue and personal challenges. It is laid out in short impactful messages that entrepreneurs can implement slowly into their mode of thinking an operation. It is a book that will provide you with multiple light bulb moments and a resource you will refer back to for many years to come.


  How to Become a Successful Beauty Supply Store Owner
Get the full system here

Professor Devin entered the beauty supply industry with very little experience. He decided to open his own store and this led to the opening of two more beauty supply stores within 18 months. He now travels the country teaching others how to get into the beauty supply industry and be successful at it. This book sold almost 25,000 units within its first few months of release with very little marketing, proving that there is a high demand for this issue to be resolved by giving specific instructions on how to get into the beauty supply store business.


  Power Packages

Get daily messages delivered to your inbox. In addition to that, get access to lecture libraries,
1/2 price conferences and training and more. Choose the Power Plan that fits best for you!



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